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Spin it #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Herban Man Partners

Herban Man is part of a conglomerate of companies that form a perfect amalgamation. Partners with a Music Company "illnawty" and Consulting Firm "Converging Society" allows Herban Man to find the perfect blend of Content and Interactions. We pride ourselves on being able to engage with our audience.

Herban Man Herban Man Herban Man

Herban Man began based on the connection and necessity between man and nature. Here you will find a variety of unique designs and information that embody that connection. Our headquarters is in San Francisco California where most of our ideas are born.

Converging Society works with socially responsible businesses and entities which are like minded, and fit within shared niche cultures. By working with Converging Society, you will align your company with a significant emerging online culture to grow your brand. Converging Society is an organization which empowers companies, people, and artists to grow past their comfort threshold. By working with Converging Society You will reach their targeted audience of socially active youth and conscious minded consumers.

The artistry is being bred out of our youth. As artists become less attuned with their creative and social nature, as technology advances and the concurrent education distances itself from our creative youth, a standard begins to developed in the social arena. This standard is a commonality of repetitiveness in musical artistry, a standard imposed by major record labels circa early 2000’s. We see civil unrest, culminating in an artistic revolution. The long term outcome of this revolution is ILLNAWTY.